After you declare your major in one of the visual and media arts programs you are assigned a major advisor from the faculty. Majors should meet with their advisors before each class registration period to plan their schedules and evaluate their degree progress. You can find the name and email of your advisor in Banner or consult the list in the departments main office, CAC 1105. The guides and checklists below will help you to prepare for meetings with your advisor and track completed credits towards graduation.
Understanding the Degree Types
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)/ Bachelor of Sciences (B.S.)
The B.A. and B.S. degrees are focused on the breadth of general studies. The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree requires a three-semester proficiency in a foreign language. The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree requires that you complete the following three science courses.
B.A. or B.S. Degrees are available in the following majors:
- Art Education
- Art History (B.A. only)
- Film & Video Production
- Photography
- Studio Art
Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.)
The B.F.A. degree is focused on the student's professional preparation. Students pursuing a B.F.A. develop the knowledge, skills, concepts, and sensitivities essential to professional life.
The B.F.A. degree is available in the Studio Art major only. Students can choose the following areas of emphasis:
- Ceramics
- Graphic Design
- Illustration
- Jewelry and Metalsmithing
- Painting
- Printmaking
- Sculpture
- Visual Studies
A minor is an opportunity for the student to strengthen their education in the major, or an opportunity to develop a side passion. Choosing a minor is as big of a decision as choosing your major.
Minor degrees are available in the following areas:
- Art History
- Film and Video Production
- Photography
- Studio Art
Degree/Major Guides
Gen. Ed. Double Dip Guide
A list of one GVSU courses that will count for 2 classes.
Art Education - B.A./B.S.
If you are a student interested in becoming an Art Educator.
Art History - B.A.
If you are a student interested in becoming an Art Historian.
Film and Video Production - B.A./B.S.
Read this guide for a first-rate experience in the program.
Photography - B.A./B.S.
Interested in Photography as a Major! Find the Major requirements here!
Studio Art - B.A./B.S. and B.F.A.
If you are a student in the Studio Art B.F.A. (Ceramics, Graphic Design, Illustration, Jewelry and Metalsmithing, Painting, Printmaking, Sculpture, or Visual Studies) read this Guide to the Major.
B.A./B.S. in Studio Art informationB.F.A. in Studio Art Information
Incoming Student Information
During their first years in the Department of Visual and Media Arts, majors may need to complete a set of core classes that are tailored to their area of study. No matter what area of study, these courses are essential in the preparation for advanced courses and emphasize critical inquiry, discipline-specific methods, and hands-on experiences.
As students continue in the department, they continue to hone these skills in developing a personal body of work under the supervision of faculty mentors in the area. The self-direction nurtured early in the program is reinforced throughout your time at GVSU.
Do You Need a Personal Computer?
Students are not required to have their own equipment to complete their studies at GVSU. The facilities in Lake Superior Hall and the Calder Arts Center provide the right software and hardware you will need to succeed in the program. Many students find it more convenient to purchase their own computers for coursework. Though not required, majors purchasing a computer should consider a laptop as they give considerable flexibility for working in classrooms, the library, and other research venues.
Art Education - B.A./B.S.
Students interested in pursing an Art Education Degree must first submit work through the Art Education Portfolio Review Process.
Art History - B.A.
Students planning to major in art history simply need to apply, be admitted to GVSU, and declare their major. You do not need to apply separately to the Department of Art and Design or prepare a portfolio for review.
Film and Video Production - B.A./B.S.
Students should take the following courses during their first semester:
- FVP 123 - Survey of Media Production Modes
- FVP 125 - Media Production I
Students should apply to the major in the second semester. In addition, you will want to take the following courses in the following semester or academic year:
- FVP 226 - Media Production II
- FVP 227 - Digital Media Lab
(Please contact your advisor immediately if sections close during registration.)
Photography - B.A./B.S.
Students should take in the first semester of their first year the following courses:
- PHO 170 - Introduction to Photography
- PHO 266 - History of Photography I
Students should take in the second semester of their first year the following courses:
- ART 149 - Introduction to Visual Composition
- PHO 172 - Photography II
Studio Art - B.A./B.S.
Students planning to major in studio art simply need to apply, be admitted to GVSU, and declare their major. You do not need to apply separately to the Department of Art and Design or prepare a portfolio for review.
Studio Art - B.F.A.
Students planning to major in studio art simply need to apply, be admitted to GVSU, and declare their major. You do not need to apply separately to the Department of Art and Design or prepare a portfolio for review.
Advising Documents
Reminder: Determine Your Catalog Year
Both your university requirements (general education, supplemental writing skills, etc.) and major and minor requirements are tied to your specific catalog year. Major requirements may change yearly. You must meet the requirements for your particular catalog year to be able to graduate.
Your can find out your listed catalog in your myPath report
Art Education - B.A./B.S. and K-12 Comprehensive Certificate Program for BFA students
This information applies to the following degrees:
- B.A./B.S. Degree in Art Education
- K-12 Comprehensive Certificate Program for BFA students
Art History - B.A. and Minor
This information applies to the following degrees:
- B.A. Degree in Art History
- Art History Minor
Film and Video Production - B.A./B.S.
This information applies to the following degrees:
- B.A./B.S. Degree in Film and Video Production
Past Advising Documents (until 2021-22 catalog year)
4-year plan - B.A.4-year plan - B.S.Requirements ChecklistScheduling Worksheet
Photography - B.A./B.S. and Minor
This information applies to the following degrees:
- B.A./B.S. Degree in Photography
- Photography Minor
Studio Art - B.A./B.S. and Minor
This information applies to the following degrees:
- B.A./B.S. in Studio Art
- Minor in Studio Art
Studio Art (Ceramics) - B.F.A.
This information applies to the following degrees:
- B.F.A. in Studio Art (Ceramics Emphasis)
(Remember to check your catalog year in your myPath report)
Studio Art (Graphic Design) - B.F.A.
This information applies to the following degrees:
- B.F.A. in Studio Art (Graphic Design Emphasis)
(Remember to check your catalog year in your myPath report)
Past Advising Documents (until 2021-22 catalog year)
Graphic Design - Degree ChecklistGraphic Design - Detailed 4-year Plan
Studio Art (Illustration) - B.F.A.
This information applies to the following degrees:
- B.F.A. in Studio Art (Illustration Emphasis)
(Remember to check your catalog year in your myPath report)
Past Advising Documents (until 2021-22 catalog year)
Illustration - Degree ChecklistIllustration - Detailed 4-year Plan
Studio Art (Jewelry/Metalsmithing) - B.F.A.
This information applies to the following degrees:
- B.F.A. in Studio Art (Jewelry/Metalsmithing Emphasis)
(Remember to check your catalog year in your myPath report)
Past Advising Documents (until 2021-22 catalog year)
JEM - Degree ChecklistJEM - Detailed 4-year planJEM - 4-year plan
Studio Art (Painting) - B.F.A.
This information applies to the following degrees:
- B.F.A. in Studio Art (Painting Emphasis)
(Remember to check your catalog year in your myPath report)
Past Advising Documents (until 2021-22 catalog year)
Studio Art (Printmaking) - B.F.A.
This information applies to the following degrees:
- B.F.A. in Studio Art (Printmaking Emphasis)
(Remember to check your catalog year in your myPath report)
Past Advising Documents (until 2021-22 catalog year)
Printmaking - Degree ChecklistPrintmaking - Detailed 4-year Plan
Studio Art (Sculpture) - B.F.A.
This information applies to the following degrees:
- B.F.A. in Studio Art (Sculpture Emphasis)
(Remember to check your catalog year in your myPath report)
Past Advising Documents (until 2021-22 catalog year)
Sculpture - Degree Checklist Sculpture - Detailed 4-year PlanSculpture - 4-year Plan
Studio Art (Visual Studies) - B.F.A.
This information applies to the following degrees:
- B.F.A. in Studio Art (Visual Studies Emphasis)
(Remember to check your catalog year in your myPath report)
Past Advising Documents (until 2021-22 catalog year)
Visual Studies - Degree Checklist (Previous)Visual Studies - Detailed 4-year Plan (Previous)Visual Studies - Learning Plan (Previous)Visual Studies - Course Plan (Previous)
If you have questions, please reach out to any of the three people in your Advisor Network.
- Your faculty advisor (see Who's My Advisor?)
- Doris Penn, CLAS Academic Advisor,
- Sonja Wall, CLAS Academic Advisor,