Lindsay Chervinsky: Presidents' Day Celebration
Presidents' Day Celebration
Until the passing of the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, February 22 was federally recognized as Washington’s Birthday. Now the third Monday of February, also known as Presidents’ Day, traditionally honoring Washington and Lincoln, has grown to encompass the best practices of the presidency, not to mention a weekend of deals. The day allows Americans to pull from the founding fathers’ wisdom and apply the lessons of their day to the ills plaguing ours. Presidents Day, especially in our current climate, must be more than an opportunity to be patriotic and save a few bucks.
In observance of this year’s Presidents’ Day, the Hauenstein Center and our partners at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation, Library & Museum, were pleased to welcome Lindsay Chervinsky, historian and author of The Cabinet: George Washington and the Creation of An American Institution, to Grand Valley State University for our annual celebration of Presidents’ Day.
Dr. Lindsay M. Chervinsky is a historian of the presidency, political culture, and the government — especially the president’s cabinet. She produces history that speaks to fellow scholars as well as a larger public audience. Dr. Chervinsky believes history can be exhilarating and she works to share her passion with as many people as possible. Her research can be found in publications from op-eds to books, speaking on podcasts and other media, and teaching for every kind of audience. On this site, you’ll learn more about Dr. Chervinsky and her work.
Dr. Chervinsky’s book, The Cabinet: George Washington and the Creation of an American Institution, was published on April 7, 2020. The paperback will be released February 8, 2022. She also writes a monthly column for Governing and Washington Monthly. She is the cohost of The Past, The Promise, The Presidency, and a regular guest on The Thomas Jefferson Hour podcast. She is the creator of the Audible course: The Best and Worst Presidential Cabinets in U.S. History.
Her next book, An Honest Man: The Inimitable Presidency of John Adams is under contract and will be published in Fall 2024.
Video and Images from the event